IEC TS 62862-3-3:2020
Solar thermal electric plants - Part 3-3: Systems and components - General requirements and test methods for solar receivers
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 55 VDE-Artnr.: 248452
IEC TS 62862-3-3:2020 specifies the technical requirements, tests, durability and technical performance parameters of solar thermal receivers for absorbing concentrated solar radiation and transferring the heat to a fluid used in concentrated solar thermal power plants with linear-focus solar collectors. The receivers addressed consist of an absorber tube and an insulating glass envelope tube.
This document includes the definitions of technical properties and characterization of geometry and performance parameters as well as the test methods for optical characterization, heat loss, and durability. For the sake of clarity, it is stated here that the thermal loss tests described in this document do not deliver the thermal loss of the receiver tubes when they are installed in commercial solar fields.