IEC TR 61292-8:2019
Optical amplifiers - Part 8: High-power amplifiers
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 18 VDE-Artnr.: 247082
IEC TR 61292-8:2019, which is a technical report, deals with high-power optical amplifiers. It provides general information relating to high-power optical amplifiers with an output power greater than 500 mW for the fibre communication field. It covers the following aspects:
- general information;
- example of the optical amplifier's configuration realizing high optical output power;
- test method for optical output power and gain;
- considerations on high-power optical amplifiers.
Potential applications of high-power optical amplifiers are briefly reviewed in Annex A.
Informative IEC documents related to high optical power are listed in Annex B.
Keywords: high-power amplifiers