ISO/IEC 23006-3:2016
Information technology - Multimedia service platform technologies - Part 3: Conformance and reference software
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 35 VDE-Artnr.: 224116
ISO/IEC 23006-3:2016 describes the reference software implementing the normative clauses of ISO/IEC 23006-1, ISO/IEC 23006-2 and ISO/IEC 23006-4 and specifies conformance criteria. The information provided are applicable for determining the reference software modules available for ISO/IEC 23006-1, understanding the functionality of the available reference software modules and utilizing the available reference software modules.
The conformance profiles are applicable to MPEG-M Services as defined in ISO/IEC 23006-4 and in ISO/IEC 23006-5.