Cover IEC 60728-14:2014

IEC 60728-14:2014

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 14: Optical transmission systems using RFoG technology

Ausgabedatum: 2014-03
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN-FR - zweisprachig englisch/französisch
Seitenzahl: 112 VDE-Artnr.: 220661


IEC 60728-14:2014 describes the system and equipment specification of FTTH/FTTB (fibre to the home/fibre to the building) networks where information is transmitted in both, forward and return path directions using RF subcarrier multiplexing technology, and where the return path transmission uses additionally time division multiple access technique imposed by the transmission of the return path signals using a TDMA (e.g. TDMA mode of DOCSIS) protocol. Such systems are called RF over Glass (RFoG) and consist of an RFoG optical network unit (R-ONU), an optical distribution network based on xPON structure, and an RFoG optical return path receiver. This standard specifies the basic system parameters and methods of measurement for RFoG systems in order to assess the system performance and its performance limits.

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