Cover IEC 60204-31:2013

IEC 60204-31:2013

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 31: Particular safety and EMC requirements for sewing machines, units and systems

Ausgabedatum: 2013-04
Edition: 4.0
Sprache: EN-FR - zweisprachig englisch/französisch
Seitenzahl: 46 VDE-Artnr.: 219790


IEC 60204-31:2013 applies to electrical and electronic equipment, sewing machines, units and systems, designed specifically for professional use in the sewing industry. It is applicable to the electrical equipment or parts of the electrical equipment which operate with nominal supply voltages not exceeding 1 000 V for alternating current and not exceeding 1 500 V for direct current, and with nominal frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 2001 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following changes:
- Alignment of the normative references;
- Alignment of titles and subtitles to the IEC 60204-1;
- Revision of Annex AA to align this annex with the relevant IEC standards.

This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60204-1:2009.

Buchtitel Format
VDE-Prüfung nach BetrSichV, TRBS und DGUV-Vorschrift 3
Hennig, Wilfried

VDE-Prüfung nach BetrSichV, TRBS und DGUV-Vorschrift 3

Erläuterungen zu DIN VDE 0100-410, DIN VDE 0100-430, DIN VDE 0100-510, DIN VDE 0100-540 und DIN VDE 0100-600, DIN VDE 0105-100/A1, DIN VDE 0701-0702, DIN EN 61557 (VDE 0413), DIN EN 60204-1 (VDE 0113-1), TRBS 1001, TRBS 1111, TRBS 1201, TRBS 1203, DGUV-Vorschrift 3 (BGV A3) sowie zur Betriebssicherheitsverordnung (BetrSichV)
VDE-Schriftenreihe – Normen verständlich, Band 43

2019, 547 Seiten, Din A5, Broschur

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