Cover ISO/IEC 29168-2:2011

ISO/IEC 29168-2:2011

Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Part 2: Procedures for the object identifier resolution system operational agency

Ausgabedatum: 2011-09
Edition: 1.0
Sprache: EN - englisch
Seitenzahl: 7 VDE-Artnr.: 218263


ISO/IEC 29168-2:2011 specifies the mechanisms and criteria for the selection and approval of the object identifier resolution system (ORS) operational agency, and the procedures that the operational agency is required to follow to support the operation of the ORS. It includes the specification of use of DNSSEC (NSEC3) and addresses issues of charging. It also specifies the mechanisms for the appointment of the operational agency as an ISO/IEC Registration Authority.