Tian, Jie (Hrsg.)

NCIT 2022

Proceedings of International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology, November 5-6, 2022 / Virtual, China

2023, VI, 108 Seiten, 140 x 124 mm, Slimlinebox, CD-Rom
ISBN 978-3-8007-6018-3, E-Book: ISBN 978-3-8007-6019-0
Für Fach- und Hochschulbereich
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort

International Conference on Networks, Communication and Information Technology (NCIT 2022) was supposed to be held in Wuhan, China during November 5-7, 2022. Due to the continuing impact of pandemic, the organizing committee decided to hold NCIT 2022 virtually on November 5-6, 2022. This event attracted over 50 participants from 4 different countries and regions, and shared the latest research findings in the area of networks, communication and information technology.
Prof. Jie Tian was born in 1972. He received his bachelor's degree from Northwestern Polytechnic University in 1995, and doctor's degree from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2002. From Sep. 2002 to Sep. 2004, he worked as a post-doctor with the Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy. He is now a professor of the Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His current research interests include acoustic imaging systems, underwater signal processing and pattern recognition, etc. As the project leader, he has presided over more than 10 projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has won the second prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award in 2013, and is a member of the team of Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020.

Underwater image enhancement using CycleGAN

Autoren: Chen, Xiwei; Liu, Ying; Wei, Jiawei; Wan, Qianyi; Liu, Shenyi; Cao, Shaoyong; Yin, Xinyan


Alliance based approach for reducing saturation and congestion in LTE networks

Autoren: Ouazine, Kahina; Slimani, Hachem; Atmani, Mouloud; Boudiab, Macinia; Bensassi, Hana


Intelligent monitoring technology for aerospace environment based on time series neural network

Autoren: Li, Pengcheng; Liu, Waner; Yu, Yang; Qi, Junqing; Wang, Xianyong


Behavior recognition method based on MSR enhanced micro-Doppler spectra

Autoren: Geng, Yue; Zhang, Jun; Zhao, Xinchun; Yu, Jiazhi; Mei, JianQiang


Self-attention light network for hierarchical severity detection of diabetic retinopathy

Autoren: Song, Zhilin; Dong, Jianhua; Liang, Hu; Zhao, Shengrong



Power cable tunnel online monitoring based on 5G network slicing technology

Autoren: Sun, Lei; Wang, Wei; Meng, Qiushi; Xu, Tao; Chen, Yongtao; Hong, Danke; Zhu, Hailong; Zhang, Guoyi



A micro-grid energy management strategy based on internet of things technology

Autoren: Yan, Tingting; Liu, Zesan; Liu, Xinyi; Yan, Chenyang; Meng, Yu; Gao, Ying; Zhang, Pan



Research on Internet financial risk early warning based on a CNN-LSTM model

Autoren: Ren, Ting; Fu, Xian; Zhou, Weiqi; Qin, Haiyan; Cheng, Xu



Cloud-Native CI/CD platform

Autoren: Zhang, Jing; Wang, Yanjie; Liu, Xinyi


Evaluation of the security of password-protected encrypted RAR3 and RAR5 archives

Autoren: Krupalija, Ehlimana; Mrdovic, Sasa; Cogo, Emir; Prazina, Irfan; Becirovic, Seila


Faster R-CNN based face detection for streaming media

Autoren: Zhou, Weiqi; Ding, Yi; Dong, Sisi; Ye, Ruiwen; Ren, Ting




Research on an inertial sensor-based human motion twin system

Autoren: Ge, Pin; Hong, Junjun; Ping, Yang