Universität Kassel (Hrsg.)

PESS 2021 – Power and Energy Student Summit

Conference Proceedings, 25 – 26 November 2021, University of Kassel, Germany, Online Conference

2022, 120 Seiten, 140 x 124 mm, Slimlinebox, CD-Rom
ISBN 978-3-8007-5715-2, E-Book: ISBN 978-3-8007-5716-9
Für Fach- und Hochschulbereich
Persönliche VDE-Mitglieder erhalten auf diesen Titel 10% Rabatt

Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort

The Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS) is an annual conference in the field of electrical power engineering organized by universities or research institutions in Germany. It gives young researchers like Master and PhD students the chance to present their first papers to a professional audience. First experience can be gained in scientific writing, presenting, and discussing with senior experts.

This year conference consists of an engaging program with keynote lectures, paper presentations, networking and social interaction. Best paper and presentation awards were evaluated.

The (digital) PESS 2021 is jointly organized by the department of Energy Management and Power System Operation of the University of Kassel, the Fraunhofer Institute of Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (Fraunhofer IEE) and the Young Energy Net. It is supported by the IEEE PES Germany Chapter, CIGRÉ, the VDE/ETG and sponsored by 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, SIEMENS AG, and EAM GmbH & Co. KG.

The unique profile of the University of Kassel is made up of the competence fields of nature, technology, culture and society. One research area is on sustainable energy supply systems of the future. This applies to studies, research and teaching, and start-ups, which the university particularly supports.

The Fraunhofer IEE in Kassel conducts research for the transformation of energy systems. It develops technical and economic solutions to further reduce the costs of using renewable energies, to secure supply despite volatile generation, to ensure grid stability at a high level and finally to lead the energy transition to economic success. For more than 30 years, the institute, together with the University of Kassel, has been a pioneer with a wide range of innovations in energy system technology.
University of Kassel, Department of Energy Management and Power System Operation (e2n)

Parameters Of Rapid Voltage Changes And Their Effects On Power Quality

Autoren: Garn, Till; Biedermann, Cornelius; Engel, Bernd


Transfer of automated grid planning methods from power to gas distribution grids

Autoren: Klaassen, Christoph; Kneiske, Tanja Manuela



Analysis of user behaviour for modelling an electric vehicle loading profile generator

Autoren: Liegmann, Fynn; Murtovi, Alen; Kelker, Michael; Haubrock, Jens



Potentials of a cost-optimized application of regulated distribution transformers in urban low-voltage grid planning with a high share of charging infrastructure, heat pumps and photovoltaic systems

Autoren: Goebelsmann, Fabian; Wintzek, Patrick; Ali, Shawki; Zdrallek, Markus; Monscheidt, Julian; Gemsjaeger, Ben; Slupinski, Adam



Design of LCL Filter for DC Converter by Using Analytical Equations

Autoren: Wei, Jianfeng; Raedel, Uwe; Petzoldt, Juergen



From a distributing to a generating network: Assessing PV hosting capacity under uncertainty in distribution grids

Autoren: Kortmann, Steffen; Han, Xuejiao; Schwarz, Marius; Hug, Gabriela


Application of graph theory for automatic restoration distribution networks

Autoren: Kashtanov, Artem; Wolter, Martin; Glende, Eric




Investigating and Mitigating Harmonic Load in Island Operation Mode

Autoren: Heider, Felix; Meyer, Marc Florian; Schulz, Detlef; Karp, Kevin



Towards Low-Carbon Multi-Energy Systems: The Hessian Energy Transition

Autoren: Feng, Sizhang; Floeer, Leon; Goerzel, Felix; Joeckel, Dennis Michael; Barbosa, Julia; Steinke, Florian


Research on Power System Network Equivalent with Different Methods

Autoren: Wei, Jianfeng; Cai, Hui; Jiang, Teng; Westermann, Dirk



Approximation of nose curves with conic sections

Autoren: Luettge, Normen; Wolter, Martin