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E DIN EN IEC 62288/A1 VDE 0878-288/A1:2024-12

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems

Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays – General requirements, methods of testing and required test results

(IEC 80/1117/CDV:2024); German and English version EN IEC 62288:2022/prA1:2024
Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2024 -12   Published: 2024-11 -15
VDE Art. No.: 1800906
End of objection deadline: 2025-01-15

This amendment updates the interpretation of the bit encoding for reporting various cases of AtoN errors or failures to be compliant with the notes available in the IALA R-0126 Ed.2 published in Dec 2021. The amendment further corrects an inconsistency between Table L.1 of the IEC 62288 and Figure 4 section 4.8.4 of the IALA Rec.R-0126 Ed.2.

This Document is related to the following Topics (in bold):

47.020 Shipbuilding and marine structures in general

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