Cover E DIN EN 50310 VDE 0800-2-310 Beiblatt 1:2023-12

E DIN EN 50310 VDE 0800-2-310 Beiblatt 1:2023-12

Telecommunications bonding networks for buildings and other structures;

Supplement 1: Assessment of equipotential bonding for information technology equipment in existing installations

Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2023 -12   Published: 2023-11 -03
VDE Art. No.: 1800865
End of objection deadline: 2024-03-03

This supplement 1 to DIN EN 50310 describes the assessment of an equipotential bonding system in an existing building. The aim is to provide the electrician with instructions for carrying out a practical assessment of the existing equipotential bonding system by means of a visual inspection and a check of the performance.

Title Format
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