Cover E DIN IEC/TS 63188 VDE V 0824-1:2023-02

E DIN IEC/TS 63188 VDE V 0824-1:2023-02

Systems Reference Deliverable – Smart Cities

Smart Cities Reference Architecture Methodology (SCRAM)

(IEC SyCSmartCities/229/DTS:2021); Text in German and English
Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2023 -02   Published: 2023-01 -13
VDE Art. No.: 1800786
End of objection deadline: 2023-03-13

The Smart Cities Reference Architecture Methodology (SCRAM) is an adaptation of the IEC Systems Approach (see Annex A) for the Smart Cities system domain. The purpose of the SCRAM is to provide a common methodology for developing the Smart Cities Reference Architecture (SCRA) which will be used as a common and tailorable template for architectures of, practically, any city system. To achieve this purpose, the SCRAM defines viewpoints, model-types and artefacts-types which are necessary for the SCRA.