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E DIN EN IEC 62133-1 VDE 0510-81:2025-02

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications

Part 1: Nickel systems

(IEC 21A/890/CDV:2024); German and English version prEN IEC 62133-1:2024
Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2025 -02   Published: 2025-01 -10
VDE Art. No.: 1500290
End of objection deadline: 2025-03-10

Title Format
VDE 0100 und die Praxis
Kiefer, Gerhard; Schmolke, Herbert; Callondann, Karsten

VDE 0100 und die Praxis

Wegweiser für Elektrofachkräfte

2024, 1089 pages, Din A5, Festeinband

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