Cover E DIN IEC/TR 62933-4-200 VDE 0520-933-4-200:2020-06

E DIN IEC/TR 62933-4-200 VDE 0520-933-4-200:2020-06

Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems

Part 4-200: Guidance on environmental issues – Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction by electrical energy storage (EES) systems

(IEC 120/151/CD:2019); Text in German and English
Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2020 -06   Published: 2020-05 -01
VDE Art. No.: 1500186
End of objection deadline: 2020-07-01

This part of IEC 62933, which is a Technical Report, describes aspects on reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission associated with electrical energy storage systems (EES systems), and presents current practices, research activities and related researches in each country.
This report is intended to be used by those involved in design, development and use of EES systems, the electrical grids and the renewable energy resources in the grids, where various applications, including but not limited to long term ones (peak shaving, load leveling, backup power, etc) and short term ones (frequency regulation, renewable energy stabilization, etc), are considered.

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