Cover E DIN VDE V 0283-5 VDE V 0283-5:2024-01

E DIN VDE V 0283-5 VDE V 0283-5:2024-01

Cables for use on AC-applications in photovoltaic and solar systems

Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2024 -01   Published: 2023-12 -15
VDE Art. No.: 1200078
End of objection deadline: 2024-04-15

This document applies to flexible cables with a rated voltage of AC U0/U 450/750 V (600/1 000 V for fixed installation with mechanical protection) for use in AC applications of photovoltaic systems. This document also applies to AC cables used in outdoor applications of concentrator solar power (CSP) systems, etc., with fixed installation or when limited movement is expected. This document is applicable to lines in the AC circuit of photovoltaic systems. Cables in the DC circuit are described in EN 50618.