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E VDE-AR-N 4110 Anwendungsregel:2024-11

Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the medium voltage network (TCR medium voltage)

Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2024 -11   Published: 2024-10 -25
VDE Art. No.: 1100916
End of objection deadline: 2024-12-25

The VDE application rule “Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the medium voltage network (TAR medium voltage)” specifies the general minimum technical requirements that apply to the connection and operation of customer installations connected to the public medium-voltage grid.
The general minimum technical requirements for the grid connection (Technical Connection Rules - TAR) include grid connection principles, definition and design of necessary equipment as well as grid and system protection concepts. The general minimum technical requirements for operation include specifications on the behavior of customer installations on the medium-voltage grid with regard to grid security and system stability in the grid network.
The TAR Medium Voltage describes the general minimum technical requirements (here: for connection and operation on the low-voltage grid) in accordance with Section 19 (4) EnWG, which the German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies has adopted as the authorized body. This “Grid Code with Grid Connection Regulations for Electricity Generators” (§ 19 Para. 4 No. 1 EnWG) is included in the grid connection contract via the technical connection conditions (TAB) in accordance with § 19 Para. 1 EnWG.

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