Cover E VDE-AR-N 4000 Anwendungsregel:2020-10

E VDE-AR-N 4000 Anwendungsregel:2020-10

Development of VDE application rules in the FNN

Class/Status: Draft, valid
Released: 2020 -10   Published: 2020-09 -25
VDE Art. No.: 1090072
End of objection deadline: 2020-11-25

The VDE application rules developed in the FNN (VDE application rules (FNN)) are the basis for a safe and reliable power supply. They promote technical safety, quality and economy and serve the safety of people and things and thus benefit the general public. They can also form the basis for the conformity tests.
The VDE application rules developed in accordance with VDE-AR-N 4000 are VDE application rules in the sense of 6.1 of VDE 0022.