Cover DIN EN 50360 VDE 0848-360:2013-01

DIN EN 50360 VDE 0848-360:2013-01

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (300 MHz - 3 GHz);

German version EN 50360:2001 + Cor.:2006 + A1:2012
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2013-01
VDE Art. No.: 0848047

This standard contains the German version of the European Standard EN 50360:2001 + A1:2012 with requirements related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile telephones in the frequency range 300 MHz to 3 GHz. This product standard applies to any electromagnetic fields emitting device intended for use with the radiating part of the equipment in close proximity to the human ear (e.g. mobile phones, cordless phones etc.) The objective of this standard is the demonstration of compliance of the equipment covered by this standard with the basic restrictions (Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)) which are specified for the for safety of persons in radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. The measurement method is described in the European Standard EN 50361 which is referenced in this standard. The A1 deletes the second paragraph of clause 4.


DIN EN 50360 VDE 0848-360:2019-03

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of wireless communication devices, with the basic restrictions and exposure limit values related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 6 GHz: devices used next to the ear;

38.58 € 
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