Cover DIN CLC/TR 50173-99-2 VDE 0800-173-99-2:2020-10

DIN CLC/TR 50173-99-2 VDE 0800-173-99-2:2020-10

Information technology

Implementation of BCT applications using cabling in accordance with EN 50173-4;

German version CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2020
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2020-10
VDE Art. No.: 0800680

This Technical Report describes the following:
a) the functional elements and structure of the cabling, external to homes, supporting community antenna television (CATV) and master antenna television/satellite master antenna television (MATV/SMATV) networks in accordance with EN 60728-1;
b) the location and accommodation of the home network interface (HNI) in accordance with EN 60728-1;
c) requirements for additional cabling performance requirements (i. e. insertion loss slope between 47 MHz and 862 MHz) and necessary amendments of the reference implementations of generic cabling within the home in accordance wth EN 50173-4 in order to support the CATV, MATV/SMATV networks in accordance wth EN 60728-1.