Cover DIN EN 61000-1-2 VDE 0839-1-2:2017-07

DIN EN 61000-1-2 VDE 0839-1-2:2017-07

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Part 1-2: General – Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of electrical and electronic systems including equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena

(IEC 61000-1-2:2016); German version EN 61000-1-2:2016
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2017-07
VDE Art. No.: 0800418

Contents (only German)

This standard contains the German version of the European standard EN 61000-1-2:2016 which takes over the International Standard IEC 61000-1-2 (edition 2016-04). It describes a methodology for the achievement of the functional safety of safety-related systems including the components and equipment used in these systems if they are exposed to electromagnetic disturbances. Hereto immunity tests as well as mitigation measures and other (organizational) measures are described which serve for reaching the aim. Therefore in this standard the possible effects of electromagnetic disturbances to safety-related systems are considered and requirements for the relevant stages in the lifecycle of such systems are specified. Relevant specifications of IEC 61508 concerning the functional safety as well as of series IEC 61000-4 concerning EMC are taken into account.