Cover DIN EN 60927 VDE 0712-15 Berichtigung 1:2008-11

DIN EN 60927 VDE 0712-15 Berichtigung 1:2008-11

Corrigenda to DIN EN 60927 (VDE 0712-15):2008-04; German version CENELEC-Cor.:2008 to EN 60927:2007

Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2008-11
VDE Art. No.: 0712090

This Standard contains Corrigendum 1 to DIN EN 60927 (VDE 0712-15):2008-04.


DIN EN 60927 VDE 0712-15:2014-06

Auxiliaries for lamps

Starting devices (other than glow starters) – Performance requirements

83.36 € 
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