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DIN EN IEC 60512-99-003 VDE 0687-512-99-003:2024-06

Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment – Tests and measurements

Part 99-003: Endurance test schedules – Test 99c: Test schedule for balanced single-pair connectors separating (unmating) under electrical load

(IEC 60512-99-003:2023); German version EN IEC 60512-99-003:2023
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2024-06
VDE Art. No.: 0600493

This part of IEC 60512 is used for the assessment of connectors within the scope of SC 48B that are used in balanced single-pair communication cabling with remote power, in support of remote powering applications for point-to-point connections, (for example, as defined in IEEE 802.3). This document does not cover multidrop powering applications.
The object of this document is to detail a test schedule to determine the ability of single pair connectors as defined in the IEC 63171 series to withstand a minimum of 100 mechanical operations with electrical load, where an electrical current is being passed through the connector in accordance with IEC 60512-9-3 during the separation (unmating) step.
Separating connectors while used for remote powering is a misuse of the connector, but it may occur in practice.

Title Format
Kenngrößen für die Automatisierungstechnik
Cichowski, Rolf Rüdiger

Kenngrößen für die Automatisierungstechnik

Normenübersichten, Tabellen und Tipps aus den Bereichen Industrieautomation, Leittechnik, Prozessleittechnik (PLT) und der industriellen Mess-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik (MSR-Technik)
VDE-Schriftenreihe – Normen verständlich, Band 101

2018, 264 pages, Din A5, Broschur

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