Cover DIN EN 61230 VDE 0683-100 Beiblatt 1:2023-12

DIN EN 61230 VDE 0683-100 Beiblatt 1:2023-12

Live working

Portable equipment for earthing or earthing and short-circuiting; Supplement 1: Information on selection and use

Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2023-12
VDE Art. No.: 0600471

This supplement provides information for the specification of requirements for safety-related devices and equipment for earthing and earthing and short-circuiting according to DIN EN 61230 (VDE 0683-100):2009-07 to ensure, that such standardized devices and equipment are directly comparable with those used in accordance with the previously common design and operating practice in Germany. Independent from the design of a device, the nominal cross sectional area of the used copper conductor of cables alone were formerly defining the same nominal rated current, whereat in three-phase alternating current applications always a nominal rated time of 0,5 s should be type-tested. Supplements in the instruction for use may contain information about the parallel use of devices and safety regulations in Germany. Usual designs of earthing sticks and interfaces for connection points standardized in Germany are described. In addition, information is provided on automatic reclosure, application-specific specifications and a non-destructive maintenance test method.

Title Format
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