Cover DIN EN 50064 VDE 0670-803:2019-09

DIN EN 50064 VDE 0670-803:2019-09

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear

Gas-filled wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy enclosures;

German version EN 50064:2018
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2019-09
VDE Art. No.: 0600232

Contents (only German)

This document applies to wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy enclosures and their welding. These enclosures are pressurized with dry air, inert gases, for example sulphur hexafluoride or nitrogen or a mixture of such gases, used in indoor and outdoor installations of high-voltage switchgear and controlgear with rated voltages above 1 kV, where the gas is used principally for its dielectric and/or arc-quenching properties with rated voltages:
- above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV concerning gas-filled compartments with design pressure higher than 300 kPa relative pressure (gauge);
- above 52 kV concerning all gas-filled compartments.

Title Format
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