Cover DIN VDE V 0681-1 VDE V 0681-1:2016-11

DIN VDE V 0681-1 VDE V 0681-1:2016-11

Live working – Devices for operating and testing with nominal voltages exceeding 1 kV

Part 1: General requirements

Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2016-11
VDE Art. No.: 0600131

Contents (only German)

This prestandard applies to equipment for operation on live parts with nominal voltages from 1 to 420 kV AC.
The devices can be used indoor and outdoor. If they are designed for this purpose they also may be used for a short time in wet weather conditions, which are moistening the insulating stick.
It is common practice, such devices are used in DC power systems with the same nominal voltage.

Title Format
Schaltberechtigung für Elektrofachkräfte und befähigte Personen
Pusch, Peter; Pusch, Florian

Schaltberechtigung für Elektrofachkräfte und befähigte Personen

Betrieb von elektrischen Anlagen, rechtssichere Organisation, Fachkunde für die Schaltbefähigung
VDE-Schriftenreihe – Normen verständlich, Band 79

2022, 511 pages, Din A5, Broschur

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