Cover DIN EN 60099-5 VDE 0675-5:2014-09

DIN EN 60099-5 VDE 0675-5:2014-09

Surge arresters

Part 5: Selection and application recommendations

(IEC 60099-5:2013); German version EN 60099-5:2013
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2014-09
VDE Art. No.: 0600051

This part of IEC 60099 is not a mandatory standard but provides information, guidance, and recommendations for the selection and application of surge arresters to be used in threephase systems with nominal voltages above 1 kV. It applies to gapless metal-oxide surge arresters as defined in IEC 60099-4, to surge arresters containing both series and parallel gapped structure - rated 52 kV and less as defined in IEC 60099-6 and metal-oxide surge arresters with external series gap for overhead transmission and distribution lines (EGLA) as
defined in IEC 60099-8. In Annex H, some aspects regarding the old type of SiC gapped arresters are discussed.