Cover DIN EN IEC 60034-3 VDE 0530-3:2021-07

DIN EN IEC 60034-3 VDE 0530-3:2021-07

Rotating electrical machines

Part 3: Specific requirements for synchronous generators driven by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines and for synchronous compensators

(IEC 60034-3:2020); German version EN IEC 60034-3:2020
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2021-07
VDE Art. No.: 0500199

This part of IEC 60034 applies to three-phase synchronous generators, having rated outputs of 10 MVA and above driven by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines. Also included are synchronous MVAr compensators connected to a grid and running without mechanical loading.
This standard supplements basic requirements for rotating machines given in IEC 60034-1.
Common requirements are prescribed together with specific requirements for air, hydrogen or liquid cooled synchronous generators or compensators.

Title Format
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DKE-Komitee K 311

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2020, 274 pages, Din A5, Broschur

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Dieser Buchtitel ist auch als E-Book (PDF) erhältlich
Fachbuch eBook (PDF) Kombi-Fassung - Buch und E-Book