Cover DIN EN 60846 VDE 0492-2-1:2005-03

DIN EN 60846 VDE 0492-2-1:2005-03

Radiation protection instrumentation

Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation

(IEC 60846:2002, modified); German version EN 60846:2004
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2005-03
VDE Art. No.: 0492000


DIN EN 60846-1 VDE 0492-2-1:2015-01

Radiation protection instrumentation – Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation

Part 1: Portable workplace and environmental meters and monitors

123.69 € 
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