Cover DIN EN IEC 62387 VDE 0492-3:2023-08

DIN EN IEC 62387 VDE 0492-3:2023-08

Radiation protection instrumentation

Dosimetry systems with integrating passive detectors for individual, workplace and environmental monitoring of photon and beta radiation

(IEC 62387:2020, modified); German version EN IEC 62387:2022 + A11:2022
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2023-08
VDE Art. No.: 0400611

This standard applies to all kinds of passive dosimetry systems that are used for measuring
- the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) (for whole body dosimetry),
- the personal dose equivalent Hp(0,07) (for both whole body and extremity dosimetry), or
- the ambient dose equivalent H*(10) (for environmental dosimetry),
- the dose of the eye lens Hp(3).