Cover DIN EN IEC 62053-24 VDE 0418-3-24:2023-06

DIN EN IEC 62053-24 VDE 0418-3-24:2023-06

Electricity metering equipment – Particular requirements

Part 24: Static meters for fundamental component reactive energy (classes 0,5S, 1S, 1, 2 and 3)

(IEC 62053-24:2020); German version EN IEC 62053-24:2021 + A11:2021
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2023-06
VDE Art. No.: 0400578

This part of IEC 62053 applies only to newly manufactured transformer operated static var-hour meters of accuracy classes 0,5 S and 1 S, and directly connected static var-hour meters of accuracy class 1, for the measurement of alternating current electrical reactive energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only.