Cover DIN EN 50545-1 VDE 0400-80:2017-01

DIN EN 50545-1 VDE 0400-80:2017-01

Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of toxic and combustible gases in car parks and tunnels

Part 1: General performance requirements and test methods for the detection and measurement of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides;

German version EN 50545-1:2011 + A1:2016
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2017-01
VDE Art. No.: 0400209

Contents (only German)

This European Standard applies to apparatus for the detection and/or the measurement of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) intended to control a ventilation system and/or to give an indication, alarm or any other signal to warn of a toxic hazard. These three gases are generically called "target gases" for the purpose of this European Standard.