Cover DIN EN 61526 VDE 0492-1:2013-09

DIN EN 61526 VDE 0492-1:2013-09

Radiation protection instrumentation

Measurement of personal dose equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0,07) for X, gamma, neutron and beta radiations – Direct reading personal dose equivalent meters

(IEC 61526:2010, modified); German version EN 61526:2013
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2013-09
VDE Art. No.: 0400065

Contents (only German)

This International Standard applies to personal dose equivalent meters with the following characteristics:
a) They are worn on the trunk or the extremities of the body.
b) They measure the personal dose equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0,07) from external X and gamma, neutron and beta radiations, and may measure the personal dose equivalent rates and .
c) They have a digital indication.
d) They may have alarm functions for the personal dose equivalents or personal dose equivalent rates.