Cover DIN EN 50525-2-72 VDE 0285-525-2-72:2012-01

DIN EN 50525-2-72 VDE 0285-525-2-72:2012-01

Electric cables – Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (U0/U)

Part 2-72: Cables for general applications – Flat divisible cables (cords) with thermoplastic PVC insulation;

German version EN 50525-2-72:2011
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2012-01
VDE Art. No.: 0285010

Contents (only German)

This European Standard applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated flat divisible flexible cables. The cables are of rated voltage U0/U 300/300 V. The cables are intended for use indoors as internal wiring or direct supply connection to luminaires. The maximum conductor operating temperature for the cables in this standard is 60 °C.

Title Format
Baustellen-Fibel der Elektroinstallation Neuer Buchtitel!
Cichowski, Rolf Rüdiger

Baustellen-Fibel der Elektroinstallation

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VDE-Schriftenreihe – Normen verständlich, Band 142

2024, 274 pages, Din A5, Broschur

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