Cover DIN EN 62305-3 VDE 0185-305-3 Beiblatt 1:2012-10

DIN EN 62305-3 VDE 0185-305-3 Beiblatt 1:2012-10

Protection against lightning

Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard – Supplement 1: Additional information for the application of DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3)

Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2012-10
VDE Art. No.: 0185055

Contents (only German)

This supplement amends DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3) by informations and figures additional to the clauses of the standard to simplify the application of the standard.
The supplement contains useful informations and lot of examples out of the practice of design and installation of lightning protection systems (LPS).