Cover DIN EN 60079-13 VDE 0170-313:2011-09

DIN EN 60079-13 VDE 0170-313:2011-09

Explosive atmospheres

Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized rooms "p“

(IEC 60079-13:2010); German version EN 60079-13:2010
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2011-09
VDE Art. No.: 0170108

This part of IEC 60079 gives requirements for the design, construction, assessment and testing and marking of rooms protected by pressurization in:
- a room located in an explosive gas atmosphere or explosive dust atmosphere hazardous area that does not include an internal source of a flammable substance;
- a room located in an explosive gas atmosphere or explosive dust atmosphere hazardous area that includes an internal source of a flammable substance;
- a room located in a non-hazardous area that includes an internal source of a flammable substance.


DIN EN 60079-13 VDE 0170-313:2018-04

Explosive atmospheres

Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized room "p" and artificially ventilated room "v"

89.53 € 
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