Cover VDE-AR-N 4102 Anwendungsregel:2012-04

VDE-AR-N 4102 Anwendungsregel:2012-04

Junction boxes for outdoor use connected to the public low-voltage supply system

Technical requirements for the connection of stationary switch and control boxes, energy meter connection stacks, telecommunication facilities, and charging stations for electric vehicles

Class/Status: Anwendungsregel, withdrawn
Released: 2012-04
VDE Art. No.: 0102017

This VDE application guide applies to junction boxes for outdoor use (outside buildings) with single- or three-phased connection to the public low-voltage distribution network. It applies to stationary switch and control boxes and energy meter connection stacks. Examples are road traffic signal systems according to DIN EN 50556, public lighting systems, local public transport stops, pump systems, metering points, etc. as well as telecommunication facilities and charging stations for electric verhicles.


VDE-AR-N 4100 Anwendungsregel:2019-04

Technical rules for the connection and operation of customer installations to the low voltage network (TAR low voltage)

149.73 € 
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