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DIN EN IEC 62561-5 VDE 0185-561-5:2024-10

Lightning protection system components (LPSC)

Part 5: Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals

(IEC 62561-5:2023); German version EN IEC 62561-5:2024
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2024-10
VDE Art. No.: 0100830

Part 5 of IEC 62561 deals with the requirements and tests for lightning protection system components (LPSC), specifically earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals, used for the installation of a lightning protection system (LPS) designed and implemented according to IEC 62305 (all parts).

Title Format
Der Weg zum modernen Blitzschutz
VDE-Ausschuss Geschichte der Elektrotechnik + ABB VDE-Ausschuss für Blitzschutz (Hrsg.)
Hasse, Peter

Der Weg zum modernen Blitzschutz

Von der Mythologie zum EMV-orientierten Blitz-Schutzzonen-Konzept
Geschichte der Elektrotechnik, Band 20

2004, 144 pages, Din A5, Broschur
