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VDE-AR-N 4120/A1 Anwendungsregel:2024-04

Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the high voltage network (TCR high voltage); Amendment A1

Class/Status: Anwendungsregel, valid
Released: 2024-04
VDE Art. No.: 0100774

This VDE application guide specifies the technical requirements (TAR) for the planning, installation, operation and modification of customer installations (demand facilities and power generating plants, storage units and facilities with onside generation) connected to the high voltage network of a network operator of the general supply. In this VDE application guide the three-phase supply with a network frequency of 50 Hz and a network voltage of 110 kV is regarded as the high voltage network. The values are to be applied and may be modified, if necessary, for other network voltages in the high voltage network = 60 kV up to = 150 kV.
In this amendment to Section 1 “Scope of application”, the conditions for connection of generation facilities < 950 kW with a grid connection to high-voltage grids are revised.

Title Format
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