Cover VDE-AR-N 4110 Anwendungsregel:2023-09

VDE-AR-N 4110 Anwendungsregel:2023-09

Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the medium voltage network (TCR medium voltage)

Class/Status: Anwendungsregel, valid
Released: 2023-09
VDE Art. No.: 0100735

This VDE Application Guide specifies the Technical Connection Rules (TCR) for the planning, construction, operation, and modification of customer plants (demand facility and generation plants, storage facilities and mixed installation) that are connected to the medium-voltage network of a general supply network operator at the network connection point. The medium-voltage network is defined in this VDE Application Guide has a power network with voltages > 1 kV and < 60 kV, three-phases and a nominal frequency of 50 Hz.
This VDE Application Guide implements the national requirements for type B (= 135 kW) and type C (= 36MW) power-generating modules according to the EU-Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code with grid connection requirements for generators (NC RfG) and the requirements for consumer plants from the EU-Regulation (EU) 2016/1388 of 17 August 2016 establishing a network code for load connection (NC DCC). The Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code with grid connection requirements for electricity generators (NC RfG) and the Electrotechnical Properties Verification Ordinance of 12 June 2017 (NELEV) regulate, proof of compliance with the general minimum technical requirements.
This VDE Application Guide also applies when a customer plant is connected to a private low-voltage network and this low-voltage network is connected to the public medium-voltage network via transformers and connection lines.
This VDE Application Guide does not apply when a demand facility or a mixed installation is connected to a private medium-voltage network but the connection of the private medium-voltage network to the public network is part of the high-voltage network. In this case, the Technical Connection Rules for the high-voltage network (VDE-AR-N 4120) apply. The Technical Connection Rules for the low-voltage network (VDE-AR-N 4100 and VDE-AR-N 4105) apply to customer installations with a network connection point to the public low-voltage network.
Compared to the 2018-11 version, this revision of the Application Guide only changes the content of the newly designed individual verification procedure for generation plants with a capacity between 135 kW and 950 kW.
The project group "Technical connection rules for medium voltage" in the Forum for Network Technology & Network Operation in the VDE (FNN), belonging to the Steering Committee on System Issues and Network Codes, is responsible for this VDE Application Guide.

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