Cover DIN EN IEC 61851-1 VDE 0122-1:2019-12

DIN EN IEC 61851-1 VDE 0122-1:2019-12

Electric vehicle conductive charging system

Part 1: General requirements

(IEC 61851-1:2017); German version EN IEC 61851-1:2019
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2019-12
VDE Art. No.: 0100544

This part of IEC 61851 applies to off-board equipment including the vehicle connector for charging electric road vehicles, with a rated voltage up to 1000 V a.c. and up to 1500 V d.c. Electric road vehicles (EV) implies all road vehicles, including plug in hybrid road vehicles (PHEV), that derive all or part of their energy from on-board traction batteries. Off-board charging equipment implies all parts necessary to charge an EV, charging station, in cable control box (ICCB), vehicle connector etc.

This Document is related to the following Topics (in bold):

43.040 Road vehicle systems
43.060 Internal combustion engines for road vehicles
43.100 Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers
43.120 Electric road vehicles

Click on the appropriate Subject Area Link to display all valid Documents or use the Standards Search.

Title Format
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Dieser Buchtitel ist auch als E-Book (PDF) erhältlich
Fachbuch eBook (PDF) Kombi-Fassung - Buch und E-Book