Cover DIN CLC/TR 50542-3 VDE 0115-542-3:2019-05

DIN CLC/TR 50542-3 VDE 0115-542-3:2019-05

Railway applications – Driver's cab train Display Controller (TDC)

Part 3: Other train systems FIS;

English version CLC/TR 50542-3:2016
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2019-05
VDE Art. No.: 0100520

The scope of this document is the definition of the functional interface between TDC and other train systems. These "Other Train Systems" are the train systems interfacing with the TDC excluding the displays (CLC/TR 50542-2), ETCS/STM onboard (Subset-121) and already designed class B ATP systems.
The functional interface deals with data exchanged between TDC and these train systems.