Cover DIN EN 61400-25-5 VDE 0127-25-5:2018-10

DIN EN 61400-25-5 VDE 0127-25-5:2018-10

Wind energy generation systems

Part 25-5: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants – Compliance testing

(IEC 61400-25-5:2017); English version EN 61400-25-5:2017
Class/Status: Standard, valid
Released: 2018-10
VDE Art. No.: 0100485

Contents (only German)

The focus of the IEC 61400-25 series is on the communications between wind power plant components such as wind energy generation systems and actors such as SCADA Systems. Internal communication within wind power plant components is outside the scope of the IEC 61400-25 series.
Three areas are defined, that are modelled separately to ensure the scalability 94 of implementations:
1) wind power plant information models,
2) information exchange model, and
3) mapping of these two models to a standard communication profile.

Title Format
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Fischer, Frank


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Normgerecht errichten, betreiben, herstellen und konstruieren Erläuterungen zu den Normen der Reihe DIN EN 61400 (VDE 0127) und DIN EN 60076-1 (VDE 0532-76-16) und unter Berücksichtigung der VDE- Anwendungsregel VDE-AR-N 4105 und weiterer Regelwerke
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Dieser Buchtitel ist auch als E-Book (PDF) erhältlich
Fachbuch eBook (PDF) Kombi-Fassung - Buch und E-Book