Cover DIN EN 62870 VDE 0161-105:2016-07

DIN EN 62870 VDE 0161-105:2016-07

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes

Safety secondary circuits in series circuits – General safety requirements

(IEC 62870:2015); German version EN 62870:2015
Class/Status: Standard, withdrawn
Released: 2016-07
VDE Art. No.: 0100328

Contents (only German)

This standard specifies protective provisions for the operation of lamp systems powered by series circuits in aeronautical ground lighting.
The protective provisions described here refer only to secondary supply systems for loads that are electrically separated from the series circuit.
This standard also covers the special operational features of aeronautical ground lighting and addresses the level of training and the requirements for maintenance procedures detailed in IEC 61821.


DIN EN IEC 61820-3-4 VDE 0161-120-3-4:2025-02

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes

Part 3-4: Safety secondary circuits in series circuits – General safety requirements

105.73 € 
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