Key Front-End Components for W-Band 5G Wireless Backhaul

Conference: European Wireless 2024 - 29th European Wireless Conference
09/09/2024 - 09/11/2024 at Brno, Czech Republic

Proceedings: European Wireless 2024

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

Limiti, Ernesto; Giofre, Rocco; Longhi, Patrick Ettore; Colantonio, Paolo; Ciccognani, Walter; Colangeli, Sergio

Fifth generation mobile networks require in the wireless backhaul front-end components capable of covering broader and broader bandwidths, as licensed in W band. The key components of such front-ends are High-Power and Low Noise Amplifiers. The two amplifier types have been realised to cover the full licenced 92 GHz to 115 GHz band, measured results include a minimum of 20dBm with 24 dBm peak output power at 1 dB compression and 17 dB gain for the power stage, while 3.7dB noise figure and 20dB gain are the distinctive performance of the low noise component.