A New Statistical Model of Human-induced Multipath Dynamics in mmWaves Channels
Conference: European Wireless 2024 - 29th European Wireless Conference
09/09/2024 - 09/11/2024 at Brno, Czech Republic
Proceedings: European Wireless 2024
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
Cassioli, Dajana; Alesii, Roberto; Piccioni, Alex; Molisch, Andreas F.
Design and standardization of future millimeterwave (mmWave) wireless communications systems require accurate models of wireless propagation channels, with special attention to the effects on received power and delay spread of human bodies moving randomly in the surrounding environment, acting as reflectors or absorbers. This paper proposes a new statistical model of the real-time dynamics of the channel responses at mmWaves in the presence of a human body moving randomly in an office environment between and around the antennas. The model is based on real-world measurements based on a pseudonoise (PN)-sequence channel sounder at 60 GHz with a bandwidth of 1.2 GHz. Our model provides channel statistics to characterize the amplitudes and arrival times of the weak multipath components (MPCs) originated by reflections/obstruction by the human body. The results also demonstrate that future mmWave systems could exploit these additional MPCs and benefit from human interactions.