An Extendable High Step-up DC-DC Converter with Quasi-Parabolic Voltage Gain
Conference: PESS 2024 - Power and Energy Student Summit
10/21/2024 - 10/23/2024 at Dresden, Germany
Proceedings: PESS 2024 – IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit,
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
Kamalinejad, Kavian; Aleyasin, Seyed Hossein; Abbasi Ghadi, Mehdi; Pourfaraj, Alireza; Iman-Eini, Hossein
In this paper, a novel non-isolated DC-DC boost converter with high voltage gain is proposed, which can achieve high voltage gains in both high and low duty cycles. In this topology the number of elements is low, which could result in higher efficiency and smaller size of the converter. Furthermore, an extendable single-input multi-output converter has been presented based on the proposed converter. Since the input current of the proposed converter is continuous, it can be used in various applications in renewable energy systems, such as photovoltaic panels, to boost the voltage to the required level. The functioning of the converter has been discussed in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM). The proposed converter has been compared to other related converters and a prototype has been created, so that the experimental results could verify the theoretical analysis.