Ship motion visual simulation display system based on Unity3D

Conference: ISCTT 2022 - 7th International Conference on Information Science, Computer Technology and Transportation
05/27/2022 - 05/29/2022 at Xishuangbanna, China

Proceedings: ISCTT 2022

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

Zhang, Yuchen; Jiang, Shihong (Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University, China)
Cao, Anxi (College of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, China & Shanghai Ship Intelligent Operation and Maintenance and Energy Efficiency Monitoring Engineering Technology Research Center, Shanghai, China)
Hu, Yihuai (Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University, China & Shanghai Ship Intelligent Operation and Maintenance and Energy Efficiency Monitoring Engineering Technology Research Center, Shanghai, China)

Displaying the motion state of ship under different sea conditions can provide immersive design experience for ship designers, provide design basis for optimal design of ships, and also provide decision-making information for ship managers during navigation. By using Unity3D simulation engine and taking the Yuming ship as the object, A ship motion visual simulation display system based on Unity3D was developed by combining the typical marine conditions. The display system was tested by setting different marine conditions, and the results showed that: The system can reproduce the ship motion under different sea conditions.