Synthesis and photophysical properties of organic photovoltaic polymer donor materials based on BDT-THSEH

Conference: EMIE 2022 - The 2nd International Conference on Electronic Materials and Information Engineering
04/15/2022 - 04/17/2022 at Hangzhou, China

Proceedings: EMIE 2022

Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF

Zhi, Hongfu; Huang, Xue-Bin; Wang, Jin-Liang (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China)

The electron-donating fragment BDT-TSEH-Sn was synthesized from benzodithiophene containing thiophene sulfur side chain. The electron-absorbing fragment 2Br-TBO-DTBT was synthesized from the fragment containing benzodithiophene. Then, a polymer donor named PBDTTSEH-DTBT with a linear two-dimensional conjugated was synthesized by Still coupling reaction. A strong push-pull exists between BDT-TSEH and DTBT. The molecular weight of PBDTTSEH-DTBT was determined by GPC. PBDTTSEH-DTBT could be dissolved well in general organic solvents. The polymer donor has a wide absorption spectrum which can match well with most of the acceptors to get high-efficiency OSCs.