femtoCore: An Open Source Processor Architecture for Power Electronics Controls

Conference: PCIM Europe 2022 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/10/2022 - 05/12/2022 at Nürnberg, Germany


Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2022

Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF

Savi, Filippo; Barater, Davide; Franceschini, Giovanni (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Buticchi, Giampaolo (Zhejiang Key Lab for More Electric Aircraft Technologies, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China)

The flexibility, high performance and determinism of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), makes them an ideal candidate for the digital control of power electronics converters. This is especially true when dealing with modular and multi-phase systems where large numbers of PWM signals and dedicated custom communication interfaces are a requirement. This paper brings forward a novel, floating point processor architecture that marries for the development speed typical of software workflows, with strong safety guarantees that fully deterministic HDL workflow can offer.