Usability of Three-Level ANPC Converters after Short-Circuit Failure

Conference: PCIM Europe 2022 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/10/2022 - 05/12/2022 at Nürnberg, Germany


Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2022

Pages: 9Language: englishTyp: PDF

Hammes, David; Gierschner, Sidney; Hammes, Nastaran; Eckel, Hans-Guenter (University of Rostock, Germany)
Krug, Dietmar (Siemens AG, Germany)

A short-circuit failure of a semiconductor in a multilevel converter causes challenging problems. However, the aftermath can also be troublesome. If a primary fault will cause a secondary loss of a switch, a three-level Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped converter can be impacted in several ways: discharge of one DC-link capacitor, the occurrence of surge current, or limitation in further usage. The appearance of a secondary loss of a semiconductor depends on which short-circuit case is present. Out of this, it can be determined which of these three possibilities will affect the converter afterward.