Sensitivity Analysis for the Levelized Cost of Storage of a Li-Ion Battery System using Battery Lifetime Calculation Model
Conference: NEIS 2019 - Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems
09/19/2019 - 09/20/2019 at Hamburg, Deutschland
Proceedings: NEIS 2019
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Lueer, Eric; Alhaider, Firas (Vattenfall Europe Innovation GmbH, 22297 Hamburg, Germany)
Birke, Kai Peter (Institute for Photovoltaics, University of Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany)
In this paper, a developed tool to quickly estimate the levelized cost of storage (LCOS) for stationary Li-Ion battery systems is presented and its applications are discussed. The tool utilized the lifetime model presented in [1] with its two parts, i.e. calendric and cyclic, which based on the experimental results of [2, 3]. This enabled to calculate any replacement or replenishment costs during project lifetime, which was not the case for the previous LCOS models, where only predefined values were used [4-6]. The tool is used then to do the sensitivity analysis for the different cost components to show and compare the potential for any cost reduction. The tool is applied then to a real battery storage system in Hamburg which is a part of the research project NEW 4.0 (“Norddeutsche Energiewende 4.0”). Thanks to its flexibility, it was possible to estimate LCOS for two different applications: - Energy based application e.g. arbitrage which requires LCOS calculation at energy level i.e. LCOSE in €/kWh, - Power based application e.g. frequency containment reserve (FCR) which requires LCOS calculation at power level i.e. LCOSP in €/kW/a. Conclusively, the developed tool reduces the uncertainty and thus the business risk for battery energy storage systems. This smooths their integration within electrical grids and helps to find out new applications.